Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Immediate Action is Required
by justin Thursday, Jul 13 2017, 12:52am
international / prose / post

I marvel at times when reading alternative news sites which are devoid of a concerted direction, as they follow mainstream news/events passively. None attempt to mobilise the masses and free them from planned and orchestrated debt slavery -- and as we should be aware slaves clearly have no rights. Slaves are kept on a basic survival level via depressed wages and conditions only in order to effectively serve their elite masters, even the ancient Egyptians and Romans ensured their slaves were fed enough to work, slaves were only allowed to die when they were in over-supply, as is the case today. Think about YOUR personal reality/circumstances.

Indeed, by allowing CRIMINAL (wars) elite masters to lord over us we have sealed our fate, as now we, as (debt) slaves are in huge over-supply -- so expect more oppression, police murders of unarmed citizens (mostly of colour) and further contractions of the last freedoms we have, net neutrality for instance, which is under siege as I write.

Criminal elites are aware that free speech, which the net facilitates, is their biggest enemy. So what do we see? Answer: a very active elite pursuing THEIR interests and a pathetically passive population allowing themselves to be oppressed more and more as time goes by.

Surely, the last platform of free speech, the internet, should NOW be screaming, justice, equality and social reform, but no, alternative sites are verbosity centres only, though the news they publish is damning, however, if it is not followed up by exhortations to ACTION, which is urgently required lest we lose EVERYTHING and become a permanently captured and enslaved social group, all their ‘news’ is not worth a pinch of shit -- FACT!

Take Chomsky for instance, who refuses the obvious scientific and provable facts regarding the 9/11 conspiracy; Chomsky defers to the government view on 9/11, give informed people a break! So what is behind this idiotic denial of reality by a man that knows better? Fear, as he witnessed the fate of a fellow academic, Professor Jones, who was sacked from his position at Utah uni and now faces difficulty surviving all due to the fact that he applied his specialist knowledge as a physicist and uncovered scientific proof that there was more to the 9/11 story than we were led to believe. Well, Mr Semite -- “a living dog is better than a dead lion” -- Chomsky, fuck your fear you dog, and the fear of others in the alternative media that refuse to urge/encourage the masses to ACT in their own best interests, or at the very least to pursue social reform and re-establish the freedoms and liberties we once enjoyed only two decades past, before our governments were hijacked by elites that rule today behind their chosen puppet politicians.

Now understand that if the purveyors of ‘opposition’ toe various mainstream lines or are too frightened to agitate, they are party to the elite false narrative, which is saturated with propaganda, outright lies and huge omissions of facts, which alternative sites make known. But what is it all worth if the call to ACTION and reform is MISSING?

Very soon, due to a lack of ACTION, we will lose our last platform for free speech, the free internet, and elites would continue to pursue their agenda with a vengeance, while ‘dissenters’ and the so-called opposition would continue to pursue their passive thumbs inserted in their useless arses. And people wonder why things are as they are -- well it’s bloody obvious, the so-called 'opposition' are COWARDS, pure and simple!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2758.html