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White House Under Siege
by shirl Tuesday, Jul 11 2017, 8:36pm
international / prose / post

The recent revelations about Trump Jr and his relationship with a Russian lawyer are threatening the Trump presidency, though most of it is hype. Nevertheless, it’s do or die time for Trump senior -- after all, idiot Trump is the (thoroughly incompetent) elected president.

Whatever one takes away from all this the one undeniable factor is imperialist America is following EXACTLY the same pattern/course (internal division) which destroyed all previous empires before it. So there you have the gist of it behind all the crapulous propaganda and subversive tactics.


The solution is of course simple, either the people support their president in cleaning out the Washington swamp or they allow minority special interests to ruin him/the presidency/America.

Aware political commentators understand that all this is more the symptoms of failing empire than it is about personalities and the people. Good luck America, you’ll need it!

Follow link below for latest info on ‘scandal:’

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2756.html