Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Twilight ...
by jas Monday, Jul 3 2017, 7:43am
international / poetry / post

sees lotuses slowly close their petals
trapping any insect feeding on the nectar
inside --
trapped tiny creatures consume nectar until intoxicated
then in captive euphoria they lapse into sleep
safe from predators inside the closed lotus

yet its capture is not of malevolent
symbiosis works to ensure little insects
are gorged and coated with pollen before release
at the dawn of a new sun

petals open wide revealing innermost
parts, other lotuses attract the released
bugs and bees to be entrapped again
though this time providing the means of fertilisation
without which the lotus could not persist

the bugs and bees imagine they are in paradise
when lotuses bloom and willingly
embrace capture and the momentary protection
of the flower

bugs work for food and security
while in captivity and when released
are captured by another flower
until their short lives expire

and so the sacred flower of ancient Egypt
is with us today
but today it grows not in clean water
but in polluted cities where
workers are plentiful
and nectar is scarce

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2741.html