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The US Presidency -- an International Joke
by justin Monday, Apr 24 2017, 10:02pm
international / prose / post

Many would attribute Trump’s latest ‘miscalculation’ on the whereabouts of his aircraft carrier, Carl Vinson, to be one of his imbecilic statements of bravado/ignorance, matched only by the insane ramblings of the leader of North Korea. However, since buffoon in company ‘dubya’ Bush and backflipper extraordinaire, Nobel Peace Laureate Obama, who later announced that [drone] 'killing was his strong suit;' it becomes painfully evident to the global population that the world’s most powerful military nation has, and has had, buffoons/simpletons and LIARS at its helm for decades, which FACT has eroded the last vestiges of confidence that sane nations have in the USA -- a power shift, economic and military, is occurring as I write.

USS Carl Vinson -- where is it, Donald?
USS Carl Vinson -- where is it, Donald?

It simply won’t do to have obvious puppets, criminals (Bill Clinton, Bush) clowns and fools for president of the most powerful -- though rapidly declining -- nation on earth. If ‘deep state’ puppet masters have any awareness at all they should have already woken to the fact that it is they, the puppet masters that are responsible for America’s loss of credibility and trust, without which no nation could hope to prosper.

Indeed, the more we see of American buffoon, impossibly ignorant, lying presidents the less real ‘power’ America has, as REAL power is exercised in relationship, and if one player loses its ability to relate -- positively or negatively (value here is not the point) -- then it is nothing, it becomes a pariah.

Now note that traditional societies in their profound wisdom, considered banishment from the tribe the most serious punishment they could impose on social offenders; without relationship to the greater social whole the banished either become their own worst enemy and would self-destruct or they become a threat to the whole and would be eradicated by the sane majority for the good of all.

The American deep state clearly is responsible for the extremely rapid loss of American confidence, integrity and power; the question now is which of the two fates described above would be its inevitable fate. Take your pick, as it is clearly over for the USA!

Clueless Donald Trump, US President - believe it or not!
Clueless Donald Trump, US President - believe it or not!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2626.html