Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by justin Saturday, Jan 14 2017, 8:48pm
international / prose / post

The USA stands without peer among advanced civilised nations in that it openly flouts the LAW, local and international, on a daily basis and has been doing so since well before 9/11, even though legal transgressions multiplied and became ‘normalised' after that insider orchestrated ‘false flag’ event.

Take for example extra-judicial killings sanctioned by puppet Obama, complete with secret kill lists, which are now accepted by the American population, so too are ‘renditions’ (kidnapping), indefinite detention without access to legal representation or the courts to determine guilt or innocence, ‘regime change,’ a euphemism for invading and murdering leaders of other sovereign nations that reject the dictates of criminal America, the slaughter of MILLIONS of INNOCENT civilians, which has earned the US the contemptible distinction of being the world’s leading civilian killing nation, pan (global) - surveillance, which breaches the laws of numerous nations and outrageous intrusions on privacy, to name a few major crimes the US overtly commits daily.

Now one would think that the leaders of any nation which so blatantly and flagrantly flouts the law would be hauled into the courts to be held to account, well only if that nation is a perceived enemy of the USA, the politicised Hague courts are as corrupt as can be, as America, the world’s leading civilian killing nation has yet to be held to account in any court! That reality immediately signals CORRUPTION on a global scale.

The UN has become another puppet institution of the USA, plain to see, the Hague seems only to prosecute non-Americans, how so, when America slaughters civilians with illegal invasions and ‘signature’ drone strikes? So the masses must confront the reality that America is the WORLD’S leading criminal nation -- plain fact, yet no-one is willing to do anything about the monumental injustices that are evident to anyone with open eyes and is able to add 2+ 2.

When democracy fails, as it clearly has worldwide, then the ONLY recourse left to the public is the LAW, failing that then open revolution and the eradication of those that have hijacked democracy and corrupted state institutions is warranted, which ACTION is sanctioned in the founding documents of the USA for very good reason, just look around today!

We should remember that laws were designed and developed to serve the people/nation; regardless of whether courts have been corrupted, the final decision rests with the PEOPLE. Exhaustive volumes have been written on every single law that exists, which today is a valuable resource for anyone that wishes to hold any criminal to account. The entire world knows that America’s leaders consider themselves above the law, however, that delusion is easily vanquished in the courts.

Now consider the most absurd case in American, indeed world history, the trial of Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning. This case, where the criminally accused sat in judgement of the accuser could only end one way, which it did, the victimisation of the accuser. It is a legal travesty that the criminally accused could sit in judgement of the accuser, not even the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland could match the antics and sheer effrontery of the military trial of Manning yet the world passively watched a brave young individual, who has more character in his little toe than the entire population of America, crucified and sentenced to 35 years incarceration, and not one obvious (recorded) criminal in the military has been held to account over the gross MURDERS of innocents that brave young Manning exposed to the world. Is that JUSTICE? I ASK YOU!

While we allow the above-mentioned, and many more injustices to remain unaddressed State crime can only accelerate/increase in scope and degree. So why have laws if they do not apply to CRIMINALS I would ask every gutless, cowering coward on this planet?

If we allow our brothers and sisters to be murdered and suffer gross injustices then expect those measures to be applied to all innocents, as clearly, if criminals are allowed to remain in power then HONESTY and INTEGRITY become ‘crimes’ -- are you able to SEE?

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2486.html