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Malcolm Turnbull soon to be Rolled
by cyd Saturday, Dec 17 2016, 10:28am
international / prose / post

The confronting, disastrous reality of a USELESS, un-exciting, DISCONNECTED narcissist, who fancies himself a mesmerist, Oz PM Turnbull, will force the conservative party to dump him in favour of someone that is able to get things done and LEAD the party, abilities that seem to elude the sitting PM since he took office. Rolling Turnbull sooner rather than later is the preferred option of the conservative party as it would allow time for a new PM to establish themselves as a VIABLE choice, as there is no way Turnbull could scratch over the line again. That is the hard, confronting reality the Libs now face, however, as we know, conservatives are pragmatists if nothing else and will do what needs to be done to survive.


Bye bye elitist Malcolm, you thoroughly incompetent clown. After gifting the corporate sector with $50 billion in tax breaks and other favours WHILE at the same time attacking the vulnerable, students/youth and battling Aussies in a misguided attempt to fill depleted treasury coffers, what would anyone expect? Any moron including Abbott would be aware that it is the MAJORITY of Aussies, not the elite corporate/banker MINORITY that installs and REMOVES parties from office and no amount of amateurish, feeble, mass hypnosis attempts could in any way alter the hard reality and HARSH historical facts or camouflage the HUGE FAILINGS of incompetent, elite-serving dunce, Turnbull.

And to conclude -- Turnbull has no-one to blame but himself and his very evident lack of leadership, ability and INTEGRITY -- the man is not only an abysmal failure he is a transparent FRAUD.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2448.html