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The Hardly Mentioned War
by jake Friday, Nov 25 2016, 11:55pm
international / prose / post

Not since Dr Alfred McCoy’s, “Politics of Heroin in South East Asia,” has anyone dared to address the current Heroin war being waged primarily against Russia and China by the USA via Afghanistan and Central Asia.

So who are the antagonists in this huge offensive? The same, nothing has changed since the CIA allied itself to the drug lords of the Golden Triangle, now a largely defunct region, as the world’s centre of Heroin trade is now in Afghanistan, though we should all note that MAJOR Heroin trade always accompanies America’s invasive wars of mass murder, destabilisation and criminal occupation.

The criminal Muslim KLA was allowed to increase its Heroin smuggling activities from Asia to Europe as the new stolen province of Kosovo -- now home to Europe’s largest US military base, ‘Bondsteel’ -- lacked funds to sustain an independent existence. You see, America’s involvement with criminal Islamic extremists goes all the way back to the destruction of sovereign Yugoslavia, so what’s new today with CIA supported proxy wars in the Middle East?

Indeed, the US military is briefed not to touch the poppy fields in Afghanistan, as they are essentially CIA assets, serving to replenish CIA coffers and to spread the deadly Heroin scourge to perceived enemies, Russia and China.

Opium/heroin production has skyrocketed since America’s intervention in Afghanistan, no surprise or coincidence as the pattern was set in the Vietnam war where the CIA created its own airline, “Air America,” to move vast quantities of Heroin out of SE Asia without any regard for the lives of innocent Americans/westerners that became hooked on this deadly, and socially devastating drug.

Heroin has become an indispensable weapon utilised covertly by ‘squeaky clean’ (on the outside) America. However, a little academic research reveals the rotten core within and the thoroughly CRIMINAL forces that rule America today -- and the Trump presidency will change nothing of importance, gullible Americans, how many times does it take the lying shit from fake leaders to be kicked back into your banjo-playing faces BEFORE YOU LEARN, America? Surely the Obama example should have immunised you all, but no, never underestimate the gullibility of Americans that fall for the same ol’ shit every time, but to return to the topic!

Perhaps it would serve understanding better by placing America’s covert drug wars in context.

We live in a post-modern world today, and the drug war is a post-modern war, as are the oil/gas price wars and currency wars, designed to bankrupt Russia, but which amusingly have had a far more devastating impact on Saudi Arabia and other compliant Gulf States. So today wars are fought on numerous non-conventional fronts; the utilisation of proxy fighters proved effective in Yugoslavia so it was adopted by US military strategists and is utilised today to destabilise North Africa and the Middle East in order to install puppet regimes and redraw borders in favour of corporate America’s exploitative needs -- why do honest business like China when you can steal by brute force and other covert means, say the criminal ruling elites in the USA? Nevertheless, a thief is always a thief and a criminal remains a criminal whether dressed in a tuxedo, a uniform or leathers.

So we KNOW who we are fighting, a psychopathic force that possesses no morals whatsoever -- as its civilian killing record clearly demonstrates -- avaricious beyond all comprehension with ONE driving motive only, to possess everything of value and extend its imaginary power worldwide, using every possible sordid, criminal means all the while; murder is kindergarten affair for these psychopaths.

So millions of Heroin related deaths world-wide do not register on the American/western media, though the UN is fully aware -- only ‘winning’ counts, but winning what? Money, which the New York Fed prints from thin air whenever it likes? No! POWER, which money facilitates and power means possession! And so the character of this beast is easily read, but not so its methods, it would seem.

While the gullible moronic masses continue to imagine wars are a bunch of military encounters like soldiers taking a hill, the REAL post-modern WAR RAGES UNREPORTED; and if you able to think of the most deplorable dirty inhuman trick to achieve an end, America would adopt it instantly, for COVERT use of course.

To summarise some of the fronts of postmodern warfare today:

- Mass media mis/disinformation

- States utilising drugs of addiction to destabilise and debilitate an opponent

- Drug and stolen oil (by NATO Turkey) money finances extremists (of any variety, usually Muslim) to act as proxy fighters

- Currency and economic warfare waged by elite bankers

- Resource warfare

- Cyber warfare

- And direct (illegal) military intervention on sovereign States

However, once known, fighting on these fronts (as we all are the enemy) is child’s play – believe NOTHING that issues from the corporate mass media and disseminate REAL news via the internet to combat the FAKE news/propaganda of the corporate media.

Involve yourself in drugs at your own risk – I have much experience in assisting drug abusers rid themselves of habits by simply explaining who it is behind the drug trade. So strong is the reaction to this exposure that it effectively kills the desire for toxic substances in the majority of cases.

Transfer assets and funds elsewhere and declare bankruptcy after accruing as much debt as possible.

Strong environmental action to constrain mega-miners at every opportunity -- incorporate indigenous rights methods, protected species methods, water protection etc.

Engage in cyber warfare at every opportunity, though skills are required.

Fight all passive (supine Australia’s occupation by US troops) and aggressive invaders until they are routed and removed from your soil.

Post-modern warfare is total progressive war with each participant constantly searching for new non-traditional methods to vanquish the nefarious, star-spangled enemy of the FREE WORLD.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2422.html