Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Did TRUTH get a Look-in During the Presidential Election?
by Zed Thursday, Nov 10 2016, 9:40pm
international / prose / post

The title is a rhetorical question, the media (saturated) distraction of the presidential ‘race’ served to COMPLETELY CAPTURE THE MINDS of not only the easily led moronic masses, but alternative media analysts and independent journos. It seems that every commentator was feeding from the carefully placed (by CFR media moguls) trough of unadulterated media ‘perception management,’ distractive shit, WHICH ALWAYS SERVES TO HIDE TRUTH/REALITY!

Media commentators in every quarter have been captured, and shame on the ‘alternative’ group for not seeing the obvious distraction or ‘perception management’ trick. No-one really knows what the new demagogue president represents. It’s not amusing to stand in shock at the engineered outcome and realise you are forced to ask yourself, what does the new presidential clown stand for, as most of his purely rhetorical, sensationalist claims are impossible to implement, no secret?

So has YET ANOTHER ruse been played on the people of the WORLD, even Putin is playing into the game?!

Mark my next few words carefully, it will be business as usual for the ruling elite -- stock markets remained stable and every other indicator/measure of elite panic hardly made a murmur. So do those indicators suggest anything to YOU, you mindless, nose-ringed MORONS?

No panic from above means they remain in control, THAT SIMPLE! The entire 'radical,' orchestrated election affair has only reinforced elite power, and if you do not believe me, watch what happens -- the CRIMINAL STATUS QUO will not miss a beat; it hasn’t since puppet Bill Clinton illegally destroyed Yugoslavia in the 90‘s; in fact, elite control has become stronger than ever -- increased ACQUISITIVE wars of destruction/destabilisation and THEFT, mass murder and displacement on an unprecedented scale since WWII, but that’s REALITY/TRUTH and as we now know, the masses are averse to REALITY/TRUTH.

It seems EVERYONE feeds at the mass media fantasy/distraction trough and leaves what’s left of their brains in a thimble in the bathroom! The elite-owned and controlled mass media apparatus is not only ROBBING you of reality, it now OWNS you!

But be of good cheer about one small thing, I won’t say I told you so, after you verify my predictions and assessments; again, no prophetic skills are required just plain sight and simple 2+2 deductive reasoning!

If you would survive, which I doubt, focus on REALITY/TRUTH, WHICH IS NEVER PRESENTED ON THE MEDIA, as CLEARLY, TRUTH opposes the LIES/machinations and gross deceits of the ruling ELITE -- does that make SENSE, morons?

Have you got it yet? The TRUTH of course, and you needn’t be a prophet or messiah to know and see it. It is GLARING at you ALL and is self-evident, it requires no support whatsoever, unlike media lies which must constantly be reinforced by repetition; indeed, Truth does set you free, BUT FREE FROM WHAT? LIARS, CHEATS, EXPLOITERS AND DECEIVERS, is the obvious answer.

Now another direct question. What is the dominant characteristic of politicians, demagogues, lawyers, stockmarket analysts, media commentators and journalists today? MISREPRESENTATION, which of course is another word for lying and deceit.

Give me a break all you ‘experts,’ who can’t see the nose on YOUR stupid faces or smell the rancour of a con of gargantuan proportions.

What happened to runaway climate change, massive industrial CORPORATE pollution, perpetual unnecessary wars initiated by Washington neocons; how about the rogues on Wall St that crashed the global economy, or Hillary's exonerated crimes, which she should be standing in the dock defending? How about the Bush administration's overt countless LIES and the criminal mass murder of INNOCENTS and the continuing wars, now overseen by PUPPET Obama, also based on DECEIT; who is pursuing those responsible in the CIA for supporting and training proxy fighters/terrorists in the Middle East? Who engineered 'free trade' and the loss of our jobs and living standards, the same forces that engineered the concentration of NATIONAL wealth in THEIR greedy hands? What has been done to address and remedy these HUGE problems, which have disrupted the lives of tens of millions of hard working people, globally? Answer, NOTHING, because the criminals RESPONSIBLE own the joint AND the mass media!

The above are just a few examples of REAL issues that affect our peaceful existence; the White House is nothing but servants quarters for the ruling criminal global elite, so why all the absurd attention? To keep your feeble minds focused on distractions/charades and Kardashian's tits in order to protect the GUILTY, that's why, M-O-R-O-N-S. Wake up and focus on REALITY/TRUTH, then restore the nation by installing REAL REPRESENTATIVES of the people into office, not obvious puppets or oaf billionaires!

Indeed, the TRUTH is sure to set you free if you focus on it!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2408.html