Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

“...Sleepwalking Toward an Abyss.”
by jaxie Thursday, Oct 13 2016, 2:21am
international / prose / post

The title is actually the ending of a recent article by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern. However appropriate the ending is in context, it fails to address why exactly the mindless masses and people that should know better, are sleepwalking to their own destruction.

Now consider how the CFR managed western mass media has adeptly nose-ringed the DISTRACTED and completely captured masses with the media saturated farce of the presidential ‘race’ between two deplorable candidates -- in actuality it is no race at all, as Clinton is and was always the CHOSEN one, but how to engineer the result/'win’?

And so all the compromising recently media ‘released’ material against Trump, which was always held in reserve by the elite-owned mass media, has now been ‘revealed’ to the nose-ringed masses -- perfect timing -- of course accompanied by leading headlines, that this is the ‘end of Trump,’ served continually and discussed by various ‘experts’ invited on various servile media outlets throughout the world, including I’m ashamed to say, the national broadcaster in Australia, isn’t that right Julia Baird, Leigh Sales and Emma Alberici, pathetic depth analysis but great servile CFR packaged ‘journalism.’

The fact is the masses would not be nose-ringed but for the heinous influences of bought and compliant journalists and hosts that lack all integrity. Independent investigative and analytical thought easily sees through all the wet toilet-paper orchestrated garbage served to us daily, which is designed to deceive, dupe and lead the masses in a particular direction, in this case to install an almost universally despised presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

I mentioned timing; this compromising material had to be released at a very late stage in the ‘race’ otherwise involved parties would have had time to re-group and jeopardise the planned outcome, plain to see, excluding of course job-anxious servile media ‘journalists.’ Now there’s no choice according to the overt and transparent leads of the mass media, as Trump is such a "gross and disgusting" candidate ‘we’ are all ‘forced’ to defer and install despised psychopath and criminal liar, Killary Clinton.

However, we should not overlook the FACT that Trump was intentionally given the most comprehensive (unprecedented) FREE coverage by the same elite mass media which went to great pains and cost to create the illusion that this demagogue dunce was a credible candidate with a 'chance' (bunk, all of it ) as the real intention/plan is now being played out. Release this compromising material at a very late stage in the race so it locks in Clinton’s orchestrated ‘win.’ The fact is, the entire presidential ‘race’ is a monumental FARCE. Clinton was promised the presidency at the Chantilly, Virginia, Bilderberg gathering some years back, which both Obama and Clinton were ordered to attend to settle who would be president at that time; Obama of course, was the chosen one -- but Clinton was PROMISED, so today’s ‘race’ is going to plan, notwithstanding that Clinton is reviled by the masses for very good reason. So lock in a victory and make it credible to the lobotomised western, nose-ringed masses.

Now consider how the media has focused on this campaign to the exclusion of prosecuting known and proven war criminals of the Bush era while it also ignores the illegal bombing and occupation of sovereign Syrian lands by the criminal, puppet, Obama regime, which continues its crimes daily without so much as a half-hearted accusation of criminality by the mass media! This proxy, ‘regime change’ war, which now has US military personnel and military equipment illegally stationed on the ground in contrast to Russia’s LEGAL presence and actions, which are all in accordance with existing international LAW. The fact is, that Russia is the only nation that has been invited by the elected government of said sovereign nation to assist in fighting overt destabilising forces backed by the USA and its Gulf State and NATO allies -- but why on earth mention monumental war crimes, that’s not ‘news,’ is it? But that’s how it works -- throw 'bread and circuses' at the masses while the ruling elite pursues its nefarious and ultimately suicidal agenda behind the scenes.

However, history informs us this plan of mass deception and war doesn’t work but who reads history when Kardashian's arse, tits and exploits serve to entertain/distract the intentionally, media-lobotomised masses. The fault here clearly rests on the shoulders of today’s FAKE journalists and media lackeys, not with a known evil elite, whose intentions have never been disguised throughout history. Though they cannot function without servile, compliant, GUTLESS, knee-walking, lackeys.

So, Mr McGovern, it really is no surprise that media-comatosed populations are "sleepwalking toward an abyss". I hope this piece adds the necessary 'meat' to your ending.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2373.html