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There are NO Half Measures in a Thermo-nuclear Exchange
by claire Wednesday, Oct 5 2016, 9:33pm
international / prose / post

The USA is preparing for war against superpowers Russia and China. Various think tanks have prepared papers and advice, however, they ALL miss the major point, instead they pursue a delusional ‘assessment/plan,’ which paints such a war as limited and winnable! However, reality dictates that once a nuclear strike is launched the retaliatory response would be without restriction as no superpower could afford to underestimate such an insane strike. The planned (dreamboat) ‘limited’ nuclear war would escalate in seconds to an all out exchange and goodbye civilisation; so who would even entertain such a scenario? Answer: the elite interests -- served by the neocons -- that OWN the USA, lock, stock and BARREL.

World domination has always been a pipedream of unstable imperialist maniacs and every nation/state in the past that has attempted it has failed and collapsed as a result of this lunatic pursuit. But has history taught us anything? Apparently not, as the USA has published its plan (PNAC) for world domination, it makes very sick reading indeed!

Clearly, any person, group or nation that cannot accept other people’s rights to live as they choose is PSYCHOPATHIC. We’ve seen numerous instances throughout history of this pathology, from Alexander the ‘great,’ who fancied himself a God, to Hitler, whose warped psychopathology overwhelmed him and the world. Need we repeat these horrendous follies with the weapons available today? No rational, sane person would even venture the thought BUT we are not dealing with rational and sane individuals, we are dealing with lunatics and psychopaths that imagine a war between superpowers could be won -- of course I refer to the servants (neocons) of the shadow forces that currently rule the western world though their grip on power is rapidly slipping. The neocons are simply the political vehicle of this nefarious mega-wealthy elite, notwithstanding the fact that they, neocons, are also insane, as anyone that imagines a nuclear war today could be won is clearly nuts.

Yet this nightmare scenario is precisely what is being planned by the whackos that own and control the USA. The elite owned western mass media is already preparing the public for war, the extremely provocative and dangerous baseless accusations hurled at both Russia and China, bear witness to the exact same media prelude that was utilised to dupe the masses before bombing former socialist Yugoslavia and illegally (proven) invading Iraq and Afghanistan, not forgetting the ruining of Libya and Syria. It should now be noted that even the politicised Hague courts exonerated Yugoslav President Milosevic, but only after his death was orchestrated in prison. So you SEE, ‘the writing is on the wall’ AND in your face, not that most people are able to see the nose on their face today.

So prepare yourself for annihilation or of course take back your nations, jail your puppet, criminal leaders and restore real REPRESENTATIVE democracy, which seems the preferable option to annihilation; however, alienated and media-captured populations remain unaware of the horrendous reality which is about to confront them. So war IT IS! And do not forget that while you and your loved ones are being vaporised, the evil, insane lunatics that triggered the war would be happily celebrating in their secret nuclear shelters. YOU SEE, these psychopaths view the masses as an EXPENDABLE RESOURCE, notwithstanding they subscribe to eugenics theories and a drastic depopulation of humans on the planet. But do not believe me, research the matter for yourselves or remain distracted and focused on the ‘presidential race’ or Kardashian’s pathetic exploits.

Regardless of any relatively minor legitimate reason -- and there are very few -- to unjustifiably accuse Russia and China of "aggression," the hard REALITY remains, the only State that has been engaged in constant illegal wars (based on lies and transparent pretexts) for over a decade, is the USA! Now are you able to add 2+ 2 and see the reality that stares YOU in the face? Probably not, as the elite-owned and controlled western mass media has lobotomised the masses with such feeble distractions as Kardashian’s tits, notwithstanding the charade that is presented to the world as the US presidential elections, which is simply another major distraction to keep focus away from the current reality of a planned thermo-nuclear war between the USA and superpowers Russia and China, anyone of which nations is capable of reducing continental America to ashes, however, these two sovereign superpowers are military allies, and that combined force would spell an end to all western 'civilisations' that have foolishly allied themselves to the war mongering, lunatic United States.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2368.html