Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Civilisation Lost
by jess Friday, Sep 9 2016, 12:40pm
international / prose / post

Those poor deluded souls waiting for the revolution missed it. The world has already undergone the most profound revolution in its history; indeed, the revolution that occurred in the first years of the 21st century had a global impact though in the negative. A handful of mega-wealthy psychopaths intent on ruling the world, assisted by their bought political servants, required an excuse to wage ‘perpetual war’ with the sole aim of global domination, militarily and by media propaganda. And it's plain as day they succeeded.

Now consider how it all transpired. The tried and tested ‘false flag’ method of a terrorist attack (9/11) on the nation served its purpose. As a consequence western populations have been stripped of their rights and liberties -- sacrificed in order to ‘keep us safe;’ meanwhile this nefarious global elite have done nothing but make the world a hell hole with perpetual wars, inequity, and the oppression of the masses. And to what end? Of course, the elite and their servants have never had it so good, they are raking in $trillions between them while millions of innocents pay the ultimate price for their greed and power addiction. The planet also pays for this perversion of morality; elite owned corporations continue to pollute and disrupt the delicate climate balance which is having dire effects as I write, moreover, those effects will become calamitous very soon with dead oceans and major river/irrigation systems starved of glacial water and stable rainy seasons -- climate change has already exceeded tipping point and billions will die of starvation as a result. The negative effects of these changes cannot be imagined, though of course they are all destructive to life as we know it presently.

Now, any rational person would think that the masses would react and remedy the situation or at the very least engage in mitigating measures, BUT NO, the masses are either captured by the elite owned mass media or are dying in elite orchestrated wars, based on lies, pretexts and other forms of deceit. Why? As mentioned previously, to concentrate evermore wealth/power in even fewer hands. The disparity in wealth today compares with the ancient slave-based ‘civilisations’ of Egypt and Rome and yet today’s educated masses remain socially paralysed, distracted, apathetic, afraid and divided by gross and transparent propaganda/lies.

The prognosis is dire; more of the same until civilisation is lost. And the blame of course rests on the shoulders of every able-bodied person on the globe for not reining in the minority psychopathic forces that are clearly responsible for ALL our social and environmental ills. Well then people, accept the horrid reality about to transpire, which I would add, is well deserved.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2353.html