Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

One Good Outcome of the US Presidential Election
by claire Tuesday, Aug 30 2016, 1:43am
international / prose / post

Don’t kid yourselves readers, the global elite that appear as the Bilderberg group, CFR, Trilateral Commission and other invitation only organisations, never allow anyone not ‘chosen’ to become president of THEIR nation, America. Numerous contributors to this site have stated it plainly supplying numerous accounts of how these groups, which comprise the global elite, have hijacked all western governments but particularly the American, the jewel in the crown. Voting and the election race is a charade, as the outcome has been predetermined. And so it will be this time around, Hillary was promised the presidency at the Virginia Bilderberg meeting some years back, when she was instructed to step aside and allow Obama to run.

Furthermore, the last thing Trump wants is to be president, a few astute political analysts and commentators have assessed his reasons why -- no-one would be more relieved to see Hillary ‘win’ than Trump, who entered the race for other commercial reasons.

So, this circus of an election, with Hillary and pretend opponent Trump, is a JOKE, plain to see; note that Hillary is now supported by the rabid right of BOTH parties, the Pentagon, the CFR controlled mass media and other powerful institutions/persuaders; however, the outcome would leave no doubt in the mind of the most uninformed, banjo-playing American on the continent that the FIX was in from the start. And so we would have an outraged public, one that is tinder ready to ignite and perhaps restore their government according to the decrees spelled out in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which founding documents, according to elite puppet dubya Bush are mere, "pieces of paper," indeed they are, but it's what is recorded/enshrined on those pieces of paper that counts.

If Americans fail to restore THEIR nation after the obvious fraudulent outcome of the election this time around, the nation would forever be lost and most likely obliterated due to the war-crazy machinations of the lunatics that would take total control. Indeed, while the American mass media focuses on personality irrelevancies, this presidential election is REALLY the make or BREAK election for the citizens of the USA.

Both candidates should be placed on trial for their obvious crimes -- more to be released -- rather than contend for the presidency. And by far the worst criminal is murdering, lying psychopath, Hillary, who has stated plainly that she would engage in war as a means to deal with the rapid economic, political and social decline of a once proud, brave, DEMOCRATIC nation.

So gird your loins America, a real revolution and the restoration of democracy may be the REAL outcome! While the criminal power elite and those that serve them face the judgement of the PEOPLE.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2347.html