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Oz Leaders Debate – Flat, Uninspiring Same ol’ .… – PATHETIC in a Word
by rae Monday, May 30 2016, 11:10am
international / prose / post

The so-called ‘Leaders’ (of whom?) debate was covered by the ABC and is still available on ABC iview for those interested in a masochistic experience.

It was pathetic and that is no exaggeration -- that description also applies to the so-called limp, lame journalists selected to ask probing questions of these two clowns in the public interest.

Bill Shorten won the toss to determine which tosser should speak first, he elected to allow Turnbull to open the debate, which probably suited Turnbull who is a shameless narcissist, elitist, silver-spooner who attended Sydney Grammar, an elitist education institution. My ol’ mate ‘B,’ who happened to be dux of the public school I attended worked as head doctor of an entire department in a leading Sydney hospital; I asked him why his career hadn’t progressed beyond that point over a 15 year period, his realistic experiential response was, ‘unless you are a Sydney Grammar old boy you cannot penetrate the glass ceiling of large public institutions,’ you see, the game is fixed in Oz society. While we were writing essays on various general topics Sydney Grammar kids were writing essays on how to run the country as PM, Turnbull openly stated he wouldn’t have become what he is today, a shameless, divorced from reality elitist, serving only his elite mates, without his elite training at Sydney Grammar.

Now to his performance.

Turnbull is a smooth-talking lawyer and merchant banker, no surprise, he is what he is, however, as such he is completely divorced from the reality in which the MAJORITY of REAL Australians attempt to survive.

The majority is routinely ignored by the Libs and Labor after every election and the ‘winner’ PREDICTABLY falls back to the status quo, which is designed, outlined and run by the big end of town, isn’t that right Mr Murdoch you ‘demented plutocrat?’ I should mention that both major parties are supported by big business interests, which unrepresentative MINORITY group, donates $millions to these parties, so it makes no difference to them which puppet party ‘wins’ as THEY always win – the same applies to America and most other western nations in the grip of large corporate and banker interests!

Turnbull has style, unlike wooden Shorten, who was clinging to the dais like a man hanging from a cliff, no doubt he will now learn some communication tricks, move your hands in harmony with your words, loosen up, as body language speaks directly to the unconscious mind (subliminally) -- if failing pollies need GOOD advice on these tricks, my fee is $5,000/hour, a gift, as I am highly specialised, but unfortunately for rorters, rogues and servile political puppets, I have integrity and would rather starve than accept a cent from either sell-out party, I offer my skills freely to serve the people in Australia’s best interests by destroying both fraudulent major parties in order to restore REAL DEMOCRACY to our abandoned nation, but more on that later.

For all his smooth tricks Turnbull continues to come across as insincere and transparent, if in doubt ask a trained analyst and communications expert; his performance was that of a barrister attempting to convince a jury with persuasive discourse, however, Turnbull, a slogan addicted clown, blew it from the start, he began his address, by stating his now very tired rhetoric, “we live in remarkable times an era unprecedented in human history ...,” well philosophically speaking that applies to every previous era of human experience as history clearly records – that is hollow, bullshit, rhetorical statement, #1.

Turnbull continued to ramble on as a lawyer would repeating himself, a known rhetorical, marketing/advertising trick, but this is where he blew it big time, though the general public wouldn’t be aware as yet. Turnbull referred to China, which nation has had the most remarkable growth record of ALL nations, past and present, I have referred to China’s ‘pushbike’ economy of the 60’s many times, but look at it today, a leading superpower in only a few short decades and this achievement was not accidental I would add, nor the result of good fortune, China played the West’s Achilles heel, GREED and EXPLOITATION to its own advantage.

Readers would note that China based its success on MANUFACTURING-PRODUCTION and its GREATEST RESOURCE of all, and what is that moron journalists? The PEOPLE! The people are the most valuable resource any nation has, it’s the people that build nations and move it forever forward GIVEN THE CHANCE, something that Turnbull’s Libs have never realised; the Libs have dismantled and are destroying our manufacturing base as I write, throwing thousands of keen, skilled working Aussies on unemployment queues, for what? To support the short term thinking PARASITIC, elite big end of town, conservatives have failed to realise the BIG reality, that it’s the people which are essential for any developed and developing nation.

In their ideological stupor and blindness the Libs habitually inflict EVERMORE hardships on the PEOPLE/nation, a fact verifiable since Menzies who let our specialised rocket technology and budding computer technology development skills, which were equal to any nation in the world at the time, to rot and so too goes the talent involved in these projects. Ask the CSIRO, which entity predicted in ‘73 the end of the Barrier Reef in a few short decades if climate change was not IMMEDIATELY addressed and reversed, they predicted this in 1973, mind you. But how do the Libs treat our highly skilled, inventive and efficient scientists and inventors? Like shit, they rob them of funds and starve them out of existence much to the great loss and cost to our nation – that is Abbott’s/Turnbull’s approach, FACT, it’s plain to see and verify as REALITY, NOT lies, rhetoric and UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS.

Turnbull’s ‘innovative' budget is in FACT lifted from the past, it’s ‘trickle-down’ economics which failed miserably in the UK and America where it was embraced. Conservatives by nature take the people for granted and display the utmost contempt for average, hard-working, CAPABLE Aussies – which are the engine room of our real economy.

Anyone that votes for the LYING conservatives is simply nuts, their track record, REALITY, as opposed to their lying, empty words, wreaks, and speaks far louder than any babble issuing from the mouth of a divorced from reality elitist lawyer and merchant banker. If you wish to kill Oz vote for the conservatives, who serve the rorting, uncreative, visionless, morally bankrupt and criminal paper-shuffling elites, and that is all Turnbull really knows, he derived his $millions from legal rorts and paper shuffling HE KNOWS NOTHING OF NATION BUILDING, the Libs couldn’t even design an original economic ‘plan’ they dug up a failed model from the past, painted it with slogans/lies and hope to sell it to the population, no chance. But that topic clearly wasn’t covered at Sydney Grammar hence the old failed model presented as 'new and innovative,' my arse!

China’s meteoric rise spits in Turnbull’s LYING, disingenuous, lawyer’s face. Yes, Malcolm, China succeeded by utilising its greatest asset/resource – THE PEOPLE -- and focusing on manufacturing/production (which the Libs destroy) and the result: Oz going backwards at light speed, make no mistake, as the very near economic future will verify for all.

Western elites served China well by offshoring jobs and destroying local production, a nation’s life blood; for what you may ask? For personal, SHORT TERM GAIN, for the few, however, average local people suffered and got poorer, western living standards have gone through the floor thanks to elitist serving conservative and Labor (Keating) governments. Asians know how to use the power and weaknesses of the opponent to win. China is living proof that PEOPLE make and SHAPE nations NOT paper shufflers and smooth talking lawyers, who haven’t got a clue, which personality deficit is now becoming obvious to average Aussies.

Turnbull pushed his slogans to death, “economic plan,” “innovation,” “growth,”etc, empty words, but failed to add SUBSTANCE to any claim he made, he based everything on rhetoric and performance, which will fail him at election time as he is becoming as transparent as glass.

Shorten’s wooden performance, his biggest problem, and rhetoric was only marginally better, neither ‘leader’ can afford to offend their corporate, banker masters and I need not dwell on these two politically antiquated wet wicks any longer, as the point has been made.

The simple facts are:

The PEOPLE are the engine room of the (real) economy, paper shuffling -- a criminal plague today in all western nations -- is a sure recipe for economic ruin, as will soon be seen by the entire WESTERN world. A nation MUST protect its manufacturing, scientific and production base if it hopes to be competitive and survive hard times, and you don’t need an economics degree to be aware of that reality, you see, REALITY speaks for itself unlike political parties that are forced to rely on deception.

The Libs have not changed an iota, in fact they have only changed the leader, from an inept liar to a professional liar by trade. Watch political leader’s faces carefully, faces and eyes cannot lie.

Now to a VIABLE solution: Withdraw all support from the major parties and elect any independent that you know represents YOU; SURE one of the major parties will be forced to form government BUT from a more varied and REPRESENTATIVE parliament. Vote independents into both houses as they will force elite serving major parties to serve the people more effectively. Withdrawing support from major parties doesn’t weaken a nation it democratises it and makes it fairer!

Also note, it was the conservatives that engineered and early DD election, they will see that gamble fail, in fact they will choke on that extremely poor strategy. Aussies aren’t chumps like the yanks, democratise our government by making it as varied and as REPRESENTATIVE as possible.

And journalists be thoroughly ashamed, you should have nailed the feeble empty words of both puppets, Shorten and Turnbull who only wish to serve their pathological narcissistic wishes to become PM for its own sake, neither is capable of serving the nation, obvious.

A sure way to get the message across is to make Turnbull the shortest lived PM in Oz history – both major parties will be FORCED to learn from that experience. The major parties will learn that ignoring, depriving and inflicting needless hardship on the MAJORITY comes at great cost to political careers.

Have faith in yourselves and our great nation fellow Australians, REJECT these two pretender clowns, and teach all politicians RESPECT thereby!

[If you think this piece has value link and share it with friends as the privately owned, compliant mass media and Google ensure that truth tellers and those opposed to elite rule are always backgrounded. Do it OUR way, the 'bush telegraph!']

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2249.html