Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Strike at the Root
by stacey Saturday, May 21 2016, 12:17am
international / prose / post

The world is fraught with seemingly insurmountable problems today not the least of which is a tiny cabal of mega-wealthy psychopathic interests (mega-bankers and transnational corporations) that have effectively taken control (via money) of western governments and have inflicted their doctrine of permanent war, population containment, stagnant/depressed wages, pan surveillance and the erosion of liberties and freedoms, which were once taken for granted. They do this with scant regard for human life, the environment, or anything else while they engage in destructive wars and economic policies, which are tearing the social fabric and world apart – clearly we a dealing with homicidal psychopaths, as social injustice and needless wars only end in ruin for all including this mega-wealthy elite.

Have you noticed that not one western media report covering the current refugee crisis mentions the obvious cause, America’s ‘perpetual war’ doctrine based on lies and intentionally created real ‘threats;’ after all, you cannot hope to have perpetual war without an enemy, real, imagined or fabricated and where none exist simply create them.

And so the reality in which we live today has largely been created/orchestrated by this tiny mega-wealthy cabal that own the means of information dissemination.

The cure is obvious, either divest this minority, they only number a few thousand globally, of their wealth, very easily done, or kill them as laws are constantly disregarded by this group and justice no longer exists.

You would note the title of this piece, taken from Henry David Thoreau, “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root,” a very cogent reminder of a fact and an undisguised message of the means of eliminating ALL social problems. Indeed, if we remain subject to the elite owned mass media, which goes to great pains to hide the TRUTH, we will forever dance around the surface or periphery, we would NEVER eliminate the cause of the problem, which expresses itself today as illegal ‘regime change’ wars, corporate exploitation (free trade deals) and pollution, which have resulted in the deaths of millions of innocents and millions more displaced refugees now flooding the western world. Yet as previously stated, never a mention of the real cause, America’s criminal ‘perpetual war, pax-Americana’ ideology.

You may ask why is it so? Essentially a number of social failures have occurred, I shall only deal with the most critical -- the democratic majority, the most powerful social force on the planet, failed to act and stem this evil disease before it became the monster it is today, which is now a plague that threatens all life on our fragile planet with ESCALATING (nuclear) WARS.

Why would anyone in their right mind do such a thing, it defies reason? Why indeed, this psychopathic cabal does this for one reason only, PROFIT, at whatever the cost in human lives and risks to our planet, need I stress the psychopathology of this group, which is at the “root” of all our social ills today, and I do not exaggerate or generalise? No noble ideal, nothing more mysterious than the manic accumulation of wealth, nothing noble, pure or visionary, just stinking profit, at whatever the cost – pure insanity.

Now in order to engage in ‘perpetual war’ for profit obviously an enemy is required and where none exist simply manufacture one or many as has been done over the past two decades via the mis-informative, distractive, lying mass media, without which, the sick elite I refer to would have been dealt with a long time ago.

An example may be helpful. Australia is not as socially decayed as America YET, and so I would cite one mass media outlet, the Oz ABC, reputably the least compliant to corporate interests but that minor fact doesn’t change much as being the least rotten in a barrel of rotten apples remains a far cry from integrity. ‘The Drum’ program, a political panel discussion genre, is a good example. A former host, John Barron, once mentioned that the war in Syria is a "proxy war," which it plainly is, American regime change implemented via the use of foreign jihadi fighters attempting to oust the democratically elected leader. Well, no sooner than he breathed the truth, he was never seen on this program again, readers should note that the producer is an American that should never have been hired in the first place, Oz ain’t Amerika, England, Germany or Japan! Barron was a very professional host, but not to be seen on this program since his accurate comment striking at the root. Ask yourself, why Barron was replaced for serving the principle tenet of journalism, the TRUTH?

The program today has largely been taken over by a capable female host, Julia Baird, who has a habit of turning the show into a feminist forum, denouncing patriarchy etc, yet she never dwells beyond the superficial aspect. I have no problem with her feminist cause, however, I certainly do with the superficial view she maintains. Has it ever occurred to her as a professional journalist and television host to trace patriarchy to its source? No, because if she did it would lead her to the source of patriarchy, the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. She has no hope of altering the patriarchal status quo without striking at the root of the problem, which as an intelligent woman she is aware of but loath to pursue, therefore, she clearly suffers from an integrity deficit which suits the powers that be just fine.

And so the public is not directed to the root or cause of gender inequality, wage disparities and a patriarchal society. So Julia, strike at the root if you dare! And therein lies the problem today, never discuss the ‘sensitive’ issues or indeed ever try to get at the TRUTH, your job is on the line if you breathe the truth, mainstream journalists today are not paid to go against elite controlling interests. Of course Barron remains at the ABC (contract) but has been shuffled off to a satirical program with low ratings, so he is disappearing in the non-compliant journalist mist, yet he was entirely professional and should be re-instated to ‘The Drum;’ frankly, I tire of feminist forums that refuse to name and deal with the cause of the problem.

Of course elite serving journalists of today have lost all integrity, they are all aware of the truth, either by research or by its constant avoidance – every lie refers to the truth it wishes to hide – however, their essential selfishness stifles any objective analysis and accurate reporting so they do their pathetic best with ‘packaged news’ and society is forever distracted by symptoms not the cause of all our social ills.

However, all is not lost, forget the media as a source of truth or real ‘news’ the alternative digital world provides amongst obvious rubbish good professional, accurate material, which reveals ALL the machinations of the criminal global elite – the root cause of today’s many problems. Who knows, perhaps we may all realise the solution is in our very capable but under-utilised hands? The existing minority criminal rule formula is thoroughly destructive and ruinous, take a good look around at its handiwork, then ask your parents and grandparents what the standard of living was like in their day.

Money is more abundant today than it ever was, the problem is NOT money, it is inequity, inequality and the fair distribution of wealth, after all, pigs only know how to hog. Ignoring the problem only makes it worse, either act or suffer the horrendous consequence of rule by those that consider human life expendable and the environment as a means of exploitation and profit.

If we strike only at the root, the entire poison tree dies. In fact there is no other way.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2238.html