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Major Faux Pas by Oz racist Conservative Party
by marie Wednesday, May 18 2016, 3:14am
international / prose / post

Oz political commentators seem to be in agreement on one thing in relation to the unusually extended Federal election campaign, the longest in half a century, and that is the election will be lost by the party that commits the most blunders and so far the leaders in that area are the incumbent conservatives.

PM Turnbull with minister, Peter Dutton
PM Turnbull with minister, Peter Dutton

Yet again the conservatives have made a major blunder revealing the racist petticoat of the conservative party, which would rather fork out (waste) $800million/year (now add that up over the years this policy has been in effect) to indefinitely detain refugees offshore than deal with the problem internally for a fraction of the cost; indeed, most able bodied men awaiting processing could be put to work in rural regions, which would actually assist the economy not cause massive financial haemorrhaging.

The conservatives have also legislated that medical and other Australian staff dealing with the very real needs of refugees in prolonged detention, would be liable under law if they reveal any information about the cruel and harsh policies of the government in its treatment of refugees; the number of rapes, child abuse incidents and suicides is rising every year, the intentionally drawn-out (in the hope that refugees ‘voluntarily’ return to their countries of origin or to foreign nations willing to accept them along with bundles of taxpayer cash) is a sad indictment of the incumbent government, which is now seen for what it is, economic dunces, managerial incompetents and clearly xenophobic and racist.

In view of this prevailing reality, immigration minister Peter Dutton, an ultra-conservative left-over from the Abbott era, has revealed his innermost character, by making the outrageous and inaccurate claim that accepting refugees, like most civilised western nations, would place locals on the dole queue. He added fuel to his rantings by tagging, refugees as “illiterate and innumerate.” The PM realising that a major faux pas had occurred countered his own minister’s public statement, by stating that "We [Australia] have the most successful multicultural society in the world;" indeed, but imagine if today’s immigration policies existed in previous decades, Aussies would be eating snags and mash in the world’s most backward nation.

Allow me to now state to the nation that I was born overseas and all my cousins including myself have degrees and have contributed to the growth of Australia, my only cousin that does not have a degree represented Australia in cricket, Kerry Packer ensured that all his players would be financially secure.

Now, a note on my ‘illiterate’ family elders, my uncle recently passed away at 93 leaving assets to his children (my cousins) that approximate over $100 million which he earned legitimately in business and real estate investments in Australia, he stated his success was due to Aussies being lazy and NOT seeing opportunities; he only had a primary school education but was easily able to make millions in Australia which was ONCE a land of opportunity before the corporate sector took control of both major parties and ruined the nation -- as is starkly evident today.

My family is secure thanks to liberal immigration policies of the past and the nation is better off for it. My family story is repeated among many Italians, Greeks and Eastern European migrants, however, the same can’t be said for Anglo/pommy immigrants. It may surprise Malcolm Turnbull that his lazy privileged ethnic group now only total 47% of the population, it was 95% in the 50’s when my family landed in this great nation, as we perceived it. Nevertheless, we were relentlessly vilified and abused by Anglo Aussies, though it didn’t worry us as we knew we had superior survival skills and a superior work ethic, which we failed to infuse in the broader Anglo community.

Today, however, the most successful group is Asian immigrants, which, as we saw a generations past, see nothing but opportunity in Australia, which reality remains invisible to Anglo Aussies.

Now allow me, a ‘reffo’, to forecast the ethnic profile of Australia in a few short years, this nation will be Eurasian taking the best from all cultures and Anglo-Aussies and their pathetic insular ways will no longer exist, as they are their own worst enemy.

So Mr silver spoon, Anglo Turnbull, does your party of insular, xenophobic racists really hope to survive by insulting 53% of the population? Well, to put the answer in the local vernacular, which I love, your chance is Buckley’s and NONE! You and your ministers are as transparent as glass, we look forward to more revealing blunders.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2236.html