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Higgs Boson, the Fallacious God Particle
by jal Wednesday, Nov 7 2012, 10:50am
international / prose / post

No ifs or buts, the entire premise of astrophysics based on mythic beginnings -- 'Big Bang' theories etc, is misguided and erroneous. The universe is infinite/measureless, that means no beginning or end, surely our 'genius' scientific community is able to apprehend that simple but crucial fact. Existence (the universe) is a single unfolding/expanding highly kinetic process. As such it is out of time or put another way, reality exists only in the continuous instant or present.

This knowledge is as old as man due to the obvious fact that man is part of creation; therefore man is able to experience infinity once arbitrary impediments/obstructions, particularly time/space (measurement) are released along with other false notions, identity etc-- which are all cultural productions and have no basis in cosmic reality.

Various philosophers, sages, mystics, poets, musicians, artists etc, throughout the ages have rhapsodised the experience of infinity; yet today's bigger fool scientists, obsessed with measurement (illusion), seek a so-called 'God' particle to validate their ignorance when in actuality, infinite particles exist.

Science, your name is ignorance!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-219.html