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Final Word on the American Elections
by manny Monday, Nov 5 2012, 8:58pm
international / prose / post

and the winner is, the plutocrats

I need not re-iterate that the status quo engaged since Bill Clinton was president has not changed or veered off course one iota regardless of which party occupies the White House. The American elections are a farce, a charade for morons to give the illusion their is a difference, a choice! However, historical reality dictates that the only difference between the two parties is stylistic; each party dutifully executes the orders of the ruling elite and the plutocrats that OWN them.

The PEOPLE are provided with a Constitutional remedy when confronting the ugly reality that the Republic has been hijacked, lost to criminal moneyed interests -- to quote Jefferson: “… whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles ...”

In plain and simple language the American people are LEGALLY charged by the Constitution to remove any non-representative government that defies the principles upon which the nation was founded. I would cite 'indefinite detention' without trial or charge on suspicion and a presidential, extra-judicial (unaccountable) 'kill list' as AMPLE proof that the founding principles of the nation have clearly been defied and subverted.

In other words, vote with your fists, feet and guns, why do you think these principles, provisions and amendments exist, America? Take your nation back, restore representative democracy and eliminate the unrepresentative plutocrats currently in control of the nation!

Nothing can stop the American people if they are of a mind; slavery is a state of mind not a 'state' in politics, good luck!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-217.html