Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

War, what is it good for? Profit of course!
by jude Wednesday, Mar 2 2016, 8:26pm
international / prose / post

Wars are good for business if you’re a member of the wealthy global elite behind all the wars that have been waged over the past centuries. Do not kid yourself, especially with superficial concerns and other pertinent distractions, go to the heart of the problem. Wars would and could not be conducted unless someone stands to gain enormously and that someone is NEVER YOU, as you are either cannon fodder or collateral damage. But do the profiteers care? Take a good look at the record of recent US/NATO wars for an answer. Tens of millions of innocent people have been displaced, their homes and cities ruined, millions more have been slaughtered/murdered and few were active participants in these orchestrated wars based on lies. However, major corporations and their banker backers raked it in to the tune of $trillions.

A tiny minority of criminal psychopaths are indeed responsible for war and to hell with the horrific cost measured in terms of human misery; while the coffers of sickos overflow with money the streets of targeted nations overflow with the blood of innocents.

I would leave it at that stark reality, you have been deceived and are being deceived as I write, war in fact is unnecessary, it transpires when one group is able to take unfair advantage over another weaker group, notwithstanding the criminal nature of today’s wars ie., contrived/manufactured ‘humanitarian crises'.

International law and convention is CLEAR, interventionist wars are illegal, criminal to the extreme but who holds sway of these legal institutions today, which openly allow certain nations to flout law and kill with impunity? The same minority financial forces that profit from war of course, and so we are dealing with a social plague and as we know, to cure a plague we must eradicate the cause or suffer the horrid consequences if we fail to act. And to think, we number in the billions while the nefarious forces behind war number only in the hundreds globally. The tragic secret of the survival of this tiny group is simple, they are united and work in unison while the masses allow themselves to be divided and pitted against each other by this small, evil united force, which considers the majority of humanity expendable, as is clearly evident today, yesterday and surely would be tomorrow if we fail to act and cure the problem.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2148.html