Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Where to turn when your ‘aunty’ (Oz ABC) loses Integrity?
by staff report - Jungle Drum Newswire Friday, Dec 11 2015, 8:34am
international / prose / post

We lament what is happening in the CFR captured western mass media, particularly to public broadcasters that were once relied on for REAL, in-depth news coverage.


The Australian Broadcasting ‘Corporation,’ once Commission, which name change speaks volumes in itself, has lost the plot. As an example of its current systemic corruption, I would cite the popular ABC program ‘The Drum,’ a panel discussion format supposedly dissecting the latest news.

The Friday night show, hosted by Julia Baird, discussed the Paris climate change assembly of national leaders and progress or the lack thereof in proceedings. One HUGE omission in the coverage was of course what is behind these talks and it’s not climate change, as we are led to believe, that issue is out of control already, simply check the past decade’s carbon emissions data, every year’s total always dramatically exceeds the previous year’s total, put simply it’s out of control and will remain so.

The gargantuan omission in reporting and analysis is of course the real OBJECTIVE of the Paris summit and that is to implement a universal, market based CARBON TAX, hence no mention of that objective, as when it was headlined previously in ‘no-hopen-hagen’ and Kyoto it received huge coverage from the alternative media which exposed that the carbon tax strategy had little relevance to climate change but was an extremely profitable venture for large BANKS; indeed, it was exposed that the world’s arguably most crooked bank, Goldman Sachs, was instrumental in designing this highly profitable tax -- clearly, the most cost effective and simplest method of controlling emissions is via government regulation, perhaps with the threat of nationalising offending companies. That threat alone would no doubt see an end to excessive carbon polluters and the banks of course would be required to resort to other means to gain their parasitic incomes.

The next topic of the evening revolved around one of Australia’s most shameful and disgraceful events, the Cronulla race riots. However, not one commentator or the female host, drew attention to the cause, which was clearly the racist, xenophobic policies of former PM John ‘US lackey extraordinaire’ Howard, and his then advertising/PR consultant, Geoff Cousins, who both went to pains to resurrected the dead and buried white Australia policy for political gain, a most despicable act, as it is a very easy copout to appeal to the tribal instincts of morons – and Australia has always had an abundant supply of pea-brained xenophobes.

However, to be fair to Julia, neither Leigh Sales’ ‘7.30 program’ or Tony Jones and Emma Alberici’s ‘Lateline’ do any better in analysing the REAL news behind the CFR packaged superficial ‘news’ and gross American propaganda.

Shame on you Oz ABC, you have let the nation down. And we note that journalists and other staff of integrity are leaving in droves.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2022.html