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Greek PM Alexis Tsipras hands Greece’s Sovereignty to Brussels on a Platter
by jane Saturday, Jul 11 2015, 1:56am
international / prose / post

What was the point of a democratic referendum if capitulation to the appalling conditions set by the ‘troika’ and Wall Street have been met by Greece’s parliament, one may truly ask?

Turncoat Tsipras with extremely pleased Merkel
Turncoat Tsipras with extremely pleased Merkel

It was clear that default and exit from the Eurozone was a less painful, in the medium to long term, option, Iceland proved the point and is recovering nicely as an independent, sovereign nation.

There is absolutely nothing to gain for the Greek people/nation from the sell-out deal which is worse than the original conditions set by the troika.

To make sense of Tsipras’ monumental backflip we should consider US henchwoman Victoria Nuland’s (‘fuck the EU’) private meeting with PM Tsipras during which she stated on record there would be “consequences” if Greece’s government did not submit to the nation-destroying conditions set by the troika. In view of the private nature of this meeting with Tsipras, and in consideration of all the mathematical knowns of default and exit, to what was Nuland referring? If we also consider the murderous HISTORICAL record of the USA in dealing with leaders that do not submit to its enslaving demands, it surely amounts to a personal threat and Tsipras seems to have got the message. However, and it’s a big one, will the Greek people also submit, as 62 percent made THEIR decision known on the matter, no more soul/nation destroying economic slavery!

Time will tell but the entire arrangement stinks to high corruption and outright mafia-style intimidation.

Clearly, default and exit is the better long term option for Greece, notwithstanding the initial pain.

Nevertheless, the gnawing (to Washington) fact remains that former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis would easily be able to lead a popular revolt against capitulation to economic "bondage," notwithstanding the personal risks involved -- is he up to it, because the Greek people surely are?

See link below for some details of the sell-out:

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1719.html