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HOLD FIRM GREECE – global Banking elite sends in errand boy Obama to strike a ‘compromise’
by george Wednesday, Jul 8 2015, 1:12am
international / prose / post

Immediately after Obama declared the neocon doctrine of ‘perpetual war’ for his masters, the banking and corporate elite, true to his servile form, White House errand boy has intervened in the Euro crisis to force a settlement between creditors and debtor Greece; however, as is plainly obvious, Obama has been sent on an errand for Wall Street and European banking interests that fear a domino effect if Greece defaults, leaves the Eurozone and embraces the ‘Silk’ group of powerhouse nations, which would benefit Europe far more than the war mongering Americans.


The fact is that AUSTERITY (economic slavery) has FAILED but few are willing to give it its last rites. However, REALITY and FREEDOM may prove far stronger than propaganda and economic warfare. This time it seems intransigent bankers have shot themselves in the forehead.

Hold firm Greece, the free WORLD is with you all the way, and panic-stricken banksters, which are behind ALL the illegal wars and hardship on our fragile planet have no answers other than more of the same debt slavery disguised of course by the usual double-talk, deceit, Orwellian inversions and ‘intimidating’ propaganda.

Hold the inextinguishable FLAME of real DEMOCRACY HIGH for the WORLD to SEE Greece, and welcome to the East, immediate relief and future prosperity for the horridly abused Greek people.

See recent report for (more) details.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1714.html