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Hockey blows it!
by louise Tuesday, Jun 9 2015, 4:11am
international / prose / post

The insular, elite serving Abbott conservative government is noted for its many callous, unfair policies – corporate tax avoiders continue to rip off Australia while burdened, underpaid citizens and the vulnerable suffer. So it is to be expected that ministers let revealing attitudes slip with gaffes on occasion. Living with Alice Oz Treasurer, Joe Hockey is in denial regarding real economic ‘growth’ the stock market floundering and money leaving Oz hand over fist, all indications of government managerial incompetence.

Treasurer Joe Hockey, couldn't give a shit
Treasurer Joe Hockey, couldn't give a shit

When asked about the hyper-inflated housing prices, out of reach for average home buyers in Sydney, Hockey’s response was, to paraphrase, ‘no-one would be buying houses if they were overpriced,’ oblivious to the fact that the hike in prices is largely the result of foreign speculators and investors, which should not be allowed to own property or interfere with the market if they do not reside in the country. His response to local struggling Aussies was, ‘get a better job,’ just like that – typical!

The only person more gaffe prone in the conservative government is his boss, dunce PM Tony ‘elite servant’ Abbott.

Why the Australian people continue to tolerate these incompetent, insular, lying clowns is incomprehensible, as it is widely known that Abbott is a Murdoch appointee who lied his way into office -- the entire elite serving party once in government immediately began punishing the people that voted them into office displaying the undisguised contempt they have for average Aussies and the traditional Australian way of life – this government is in fact dismantling traditional Australia and surrendering it to elite corporate interests, plain to see.

Perhaps it is not a bad thing that Aussies allow themselves to be screwed like their distant American cousins, as it has become so blatant that the two party system is broken that people may actually cease buying the bullshit and restore THEIR democracy and nation. The last independent representative leader that served the nation was Gough Whitlam and we all know how the CIA, agents for the elite, subverted his tenure.

So it’s continued slavery for the wages depressed people or real representative government, as neither major party is a viable option today.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1662.html