Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Australia’s Washington led government softens citizens for Police State
by baz Sunday, May 24 2015, 11:56am
international / prose / post

Today, ‘Sunday’ 24 May, an item was quietly slipped into the mass media’s news of distraction and propaganda. Police are now conducting and will continue to conduct spot terrorist ‘threat’ activities in major cities; footage depicted police herding citizens this way and that at train station exits and other busy areas. Police justified these ‘rehearsals’ citing the already failed (Martin Place) manufactured terrorist bogeyman ploy. Reality stands firm as always, the threat to Oz and indeed America, from terrorist related deaths is infinitesimal while health issues predominate as the greatest peace time killer of locals.

Police conducting "exercises" in the CBD
Police conducting "exercises" in the CBD

And what dear readers do you suppose is the cause of these health issues, corporate ‘food and drink’ companies promoting and selling all manner of health jeopardising foods, laden with salt, sugar, caffeine, white flour, corn syrup and a host of other soft toxic substances BUT no government measures to police/regulate corporations and protect the public!

So we would say to nationally reviled Washington lackey PM, Tony Abbott, give it your best shot you LYING, DUPLICITOUS, SPINELESS, LACKEY DOG.

Oz culturally draws on its penal colony past regarding attitudes to police and State oppression notwithstanding today’s multi-cultural socially aware public. What other modern nation glorifies a bush ranger (Ned Kelly) as folk hero? My faith in the Oz character remains steady and unshaken, are you dunces in Washington reading this? Do your cultural homework before you attempt to impose your appalling authoritarian values and perverse cultural consciousness on freedom loving, anti-authoritarian Australia.

We shall be monitoring and exposing every aspect of this RUSE which is clearly designed to soften the public to a continual police presence where it has never been required before AND is not required TODAY. By the way Tony, good luck with the next elections and remaining leader of your clearly incompetent political party. Neither you nor ‘non-event’ Bill Shorten have a snow flake’s chance. The level of social disconnect displayed by both major Oz parties today is astonishing. They simply haven’t learned they cannot serve two masters, Washington/corporate interests and the people – well, learn they soon will!

Aussies will never accept US style oppressive militarised policing, where cops shoot first, murder and are then acquitted by a clearly corrupt, partial judiciary, for their obvious crimes. But please continue kowtowing to America, Tony, it’s a one-way ticket to political oblivion. And to think conservatives pay millions to consultants who are incapable of doing the most basic cultural analysis.

Link to Murdoch rag below covering story:

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1630.html