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Unhinged – Tony Abbott chief Advisor member of tin hat Brigade
by stacey Friday, May 8 2015, 3:07am
international / prose / post

Maurice Newman, chief business advisor to the Australian PM, ‘honest’ Tony Abbott, has come out; he believes and has gone on record as stating that climate change is a conspiracy designed to install the UN as a one world government – talk about whacko!

Lying incompetent dunce, Tony Abbott
Lying incompetent dunce, Tony Abbott

While it is true that elite bankers and the corporate elite have the western world, including Abbott, in their economically controlled palms, making accusations against the UN as desiring to control the world is absurd if not clearly symptomatic of a paranoid pathological condition, but what’s new regarding Abbott and his troop of incompetents and whacko conspiracy theorists?

Australia’s backward thinking PM is a known climate change denier who embarrassed Australia at the recent G20 gathering with his myopic, retrogressive and parochial views; however, the question now arises whether his chief business advisor expressed the views of the PM, one wonders where he gained the courage to announce his clearly ludicrous view.

What Oz could expect from Abbott after this compromising outburst is of course more lies and damage control which may eventuate in ditching Newman as a political liability. We shall see. Though the entire affair reflects the thorough incompetence of Abbott and his team of ministerial buffoons and hand-picked advisors, which continue to serve elite corporate interests not the people, as his soon to be released corporate friendly budget will verify -- not a single measure to force tax-avoiding multi-nationals to pay THEIR due in tax, however, to be expected from puppet Abbott, numerous measures to fill the corporate revenue void with monies extracted from long suffering Oz wage earners, pensioners and retirees, which have already been announced as ‘fair.’ Tin hats, which allegedly reflect 'subtle mind control rays' are not only reserved for Abbott advisors it seems.

It is also interesting to note that Newman’s insane theory was first published in a Murdoch rag, so what do YOU think, Rupert? It challenges belief that this controversial crap made it to publication without approval from the big boys in News Limited.

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Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1600.html