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Oz Senate Inquiry into Tax Avoidance by Multi-national and Large Corporations
by jess Wednesday, Apr 8 2015, 7:32am
international / prose / post

Google, Apple and Microsoft appeared before an Australian Senate inquiry today for massive tax avoidance. And the most outstanding initial features of this inquiry was the smugness, arrogance, and contempt company chiefs displayed toward the elected representatives of the people, which translates as undisguised contempt for all battling Australians who pay their (often large) due in taxes.

Known corporate lapdog, Oz PM, Tony Abbott
Known corporate lapdog, Oz PM, Tony Abbott

It was revealed that over $60 BILLION per annum in locally made profits is routinely shifted overseas to tax havens where parent companies have been registered in order to avoid paying their MORAL due in local taxes. Now think about that HUGE untaxed figure and the attempts by PM Tony Abbott and his team of corporate stooges to fill the revenue black hole with evermore direct and indirect taxes on the PEOPLE, especially the vulnerable and students.

After today’s performance by multi-national chiefs an emergency Bill and the IMMEDIATE passing of emergency legislation through parliament to legally FORCE ALL corporations to pay their due in taxes, which has already been achieved in the UK, has become imperative for any government that wishes to survive in Australia – the days of sucking and pandering to these arrogant, corporate arseholes are OVER, are you reading this Abbott, Shorten, Hockey and the rest of your political corporate stooges?

The people are sickened not only by the immorality of parasitic mega-corporations but are disgusted and outraged at the smug arrogance and feigned ignorance by company heads of their tax avoidance schemes – give Oz a break!

Australians are NOT FOOLS and there will be hell to pay if immediate action is not taken to rein in these arrogant corporate rogues.

I need not say I speak for all hard working Aussie battlers as that is OBVIOUS. Encode by emergency legislation what is necessary NOW, as not only was today, the first day of the inquiry, the end of local Taxation rorts by immoral multi-nationals and large local corporations, it was also the end of the ATO commissioner’s career, for failing to reveal, in general terms, without naming specific offenders, the workings of these scurrilous companies, goodbye and good riddance, you corporate-sucking prick!

Moreover, TODAY’S inquiry was also a wake-up call for arrogant, lying, unrepresentative politicians that believe that their feeble, transparent distractions (e.g. the forming of an ice/amphetamine task force) will somehow draw attention away from the current GROSS rorts that corporations use to ‘stick it’ to the public and our politicians. Have any of you servile major party clowns herd of the AUSTRALIAN FAIR GO ethic, you disgusting scumbags?

Either act now and restore revenue from these indescribable rorting arrogant corporations or suffer the very real consequences – I look to the independents, crossbenchers and representative backbenchers to force this immediate action through parliament, as we know that major parties (frontbenchers) will stall as long as they are able in order to save their corporate masters.

If the first day of the inquiry is any indication of what is to follow then the situation will reach white-heat – as for the ‘Australian’ Taxation Commissioner, you traitorous, vomit-eating dog, the people NOW know your stripe.

See ‘iview.abc.net.au’ ‘The Drum’ and ‘7.30’ programs of 8 April, for video coverage of events – but be warned Oz, it will disgust, sicken and outrage you.

video UK Laws were changed soon after their Inquiry

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1545.html