Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

You Want the Truth – MINORITY Vested Interests are Responsible for All the World’s Conflicts!
by beatrice Sunday, Mar 29 2015, 8:26am
international / prose / post

The truth is always simple and stark, in a sense the title says it all and I should not be required to elaborate, however, for the sake of the uninformed or mass media captured, I shall continue.

The fact/truth of the matter is that the people of whichever race, culture or creed desire peace – that is a given, so why all the conflict today? Answer, simply because governments do NOT represent the people, they universally serve minority, unrepresentative interests that profit from war, chaos, division and conflict – you see how the truth requires little padding, the plain Truth is ALWAYS self-evident!

It follows then that unrepresentative politicians corrupted by profit-only-driven mass murdering minority interests should never be supported, that means that the two party charade must be abandoned altogether if people wish to live in peace and harmony – a feasible,simple and realisable goal, as previously stated the masses desire only a peaceful co-existence.

Certainly action is required not passive acceptance of a destructive status quo. That action begins with every individual. It reduces to simply withdrawing your support from the obviously corrupt and criminal – minorities can do nothing unless the majority fails to exercise its prerogative -- it couldn't be simpler or more factual. The world need not be driven into chaos by self-interested minorities that could care less for the majority – plain to see.

So next time you are confronted with the usual stream of propaganda and lies about ‘enemies’ and ‘threats’ realise that it’s the deceitful message of minority interests; threats, if they exist at all, are invariably created by minority interests for a purpose. The real threat however, is the minority interests that divide us and everyone’s friend is your fellow brothers and sisters throughout the WORLD.

Created/fabricated conflicts would vanish almost overnight if you were to simply express your desire for peace, truth, justice and freedom for ALL - it couldn't be simpler!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1529.html