Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Choice is now clear -- kill Abbott or the Party
by barry Thursday, Feb 5 2015, 9:46pm
international / prose / post

Abbott is politically dead whether he retains the leadership or not that is clear to all today after a challenge was confirmed. Now, it’s not rocket science to realise that holding onto dead weight Abbott, who is deservedly reviled by an entire nation, sinks everyone, but changing the face and message of the Party offers some hope for future success.

Dead man walking
Dead man walking

Of course the last group to admit hard core REALITY is the spineless, insular, Liberal front bench, which should also be purged with Abbott for not having the leadership courage to represent the wishes of the AUSTRALIAN people and remove pathologically LYING DUNCE Abbott from the office he stole by fraud, deceit and ONGOING LIES.

Corporate errand boy and enemy of the people
Corporate errand boy and enemy of the people

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1465.html