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Abbott: Will you still take me for granted tomorrow?
by shirl Sunday, Feb 1 2015, 11:27am
international / prose / post

In the wake of the slaughter of the conservative party in the Queensland State election -- a shock outcome that the majority of analysts and commentators did not expect -- the now obviously pathological, self-obsessed, conservative PM Tony Abbott, continues to brazenly LIE in the face of the nation, which is a clear indication that Oz conservatives take the public for granted even though that public sounded the loudest most unambiguous message to ALL politicians in AUSTRALIA.

Ministers Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull
Ministers Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull

Abbott in characteristic divorced from reality mode, stood before the media and spouted more lies to the acutely aware public in the vain hope that his lies would gain traction like ‘water off a duck’s back!’ This deeply flawed personality (nut-case) will NEVER learn and never accept that HE is the principal reason that conservatives nation-wide are now despised as a callous group of arrogant, out-of-touch would be rulers of the ‘lowly rabble.’

Deflecting questions regarding his obvious negative influence on the outcome of two recent State election losses, Abbott on advice from his bereft consultants and advisers, stuck to the line that “the Australian public voted him and his party into office to clean up the mess left by the previous government ...” when in FACT the reality or truth of the matter is that ABBOTT LIED HIS WAY INTO OFFICE USING CALCULATED FRAUD AND GROSS DECEIT! That criminal ‘methodology’ does NOT amount to an informed public voluntarily voting Abbott and his party into power!


Another brilliant -- three duds in a row -- choice Mr Rupert Murdoch, who only recently openly stated that Abbott, who Murdoch helped install into office, was a “good man.” However, Murdoch has now realised that Abbott is the last person able to implement the globalist agenda of AUSTERITY and oppressive debt slavery in Oz. In that regard we have a lot to thank demented plutocrat Murdoch for, as an astute political choice as leader could have succeeded in duping the public long enough to implement socially oppressive globalist policies and laws.

The national spotlight is now on federal conservative politicians, particularly serving ministers, to rid the nation of this LYING, INEPT, DUNCE from the face of political life in Oz.

It needn’t be emphasised that failure to act on what is now a political imperative would severely damage the reputation of any conservative hopeful -- are you reading this Turnbull and Bishop, the two of you are already looking tarnished around the edges. I would add that time is not on your side!

audio Will you still love me tomorrow -- Amy Winehouse

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1456.html