Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

The Auschwitz Lamentation
by jake Tuesday, Jan 27 2015, 8:43pm
international / prose / post

Where’s the memorial service for the 4 million innocent peasants carpet-bombed in Indo-China by America, or the 500,000 children killed for a barrel of oil by US embargoes, or the 1.3 million innocent civilians murdered by the US/NATO during the illegal invasion of Iraq, and we have not mentioned Africa, the Caribbean Islands, Latin America or the indigenous people of North America? Let’s not exclude greater humanity when acknowledging crimes of mass murder, crimes in which America specialises TODAY. So what have YOU learned, WORLD? Sweet fuck ALL, it seems!


Perhaps ‘less’ may be more comfortable; try the hundreds of thousands killed by NATO’s bombing of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya before you swallow the latest media distraction. And on THAT note what did the Jews learn after the holocaust? Look to Palestine for your shocking answer -- they have learned to do to Palestinians what the Nazis did to them! Hang your heads in shame Jews of the civilised world. You get no sympathy or empathy as you give none yourselves! Your God condones genocide so why do you lament a reversal of fortune when you are the targets of genocide, you forget, ‘what goes around comes around?’ It’s called karma in the East, you fuckin’ Zionist fascist animals.

The mass media is an exclusion industry -- ‘news’ is carefully selected to sell a particular product or to distract. Whatever appears in the media at any given time is a careful construction, which begs the question, WHAT HAS BEEN OMITTED/EXCLUDED?

If you want Truth, JUSTICE or real democracy, YOU must FIGHT for it, you lame, nose-ringed, pathetic COWARDS.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1452.html