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"One Transmitter a Million Receivers"
by drew Friday, Jan 16 2015, 9:42pm
international / prose / post

Do you remember? Probably not as your minds are wiped clean every 24 hours and re-focused by the corporate mass media. For those impervious to tinsel distractions, sensational sell and the extremely crude propaganda of the Mass Media, it was the slogan of the first break-away province of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia. Which former nation was also home to the Serbian OTPOR now CANVAS group financed and supported by Washington.

The slogan clearly indicates media principles that apply today, i.e., a singular, uninterrupted focus/message constantly repeated until it is believed and then REAL-ised -- cultural absorbsion! And what do YOU suppose that message and desired realisation is, bear in mind the obvious myopic global focus on the Paris and other minor criminal actions perpetrated by various actors and parties, very few of whom are actually independent Islamists? The unedited video -- now desperately deleted from youtube sites by Google -- of the FAKE Paris ‘police shooting’ exposes the entire orchestrated event as a sham but we must not stop there, we must understand THE AGENDA and designs of the perpetrators behind these bungled events, otherwise we will continue to fall prey to these orchestrated events and become evermore enslaved by new oppressive social ‘laws’ as a result.

I’ll give you a hint, the Boston Lockdown, which was implemented with armoured vehicles and thousands of paramilitary police allowed total freedom to enter any premises and search for ONE mortally wounded teenager, which simple, cost-effective, detective work could have easily and MORE EFFECTIVELY located.

However, locking down an entire city of American slaves was a prelude and a test to see if the spineless and moronic US population would tolerate such HUGE INTRUSIONS on their liberties and rights, warrantless searches and almost unlimited shoot-to-kill police powers, in the hands of very average IQ, steroid soaked police, hyped on learned procedures/behaviours -- police are always encouraged to leave the little brains they have at home and apply robotic, learned inappropriate behaviours to events that sometimes only require a simple kind gesture and assistance -- but those days are gone with the media constantly saturating the air-waves with Hollywood-style human robo-cops and other uniformed sociopaths.

Stand back for a minute and assess the lockdown of a major capital city , which threw all rational considerations to the wind, including cost, and went into lockdown over one wounded teenager -- LUDICROUS but not accidental!

That event will possibly go down in history as the most obvious example of elite overkill ever recorded but what is more important is that it was a TEST to gauge public reaction to marauding, uniformed storm-troopers demanding unconditional access to your home and other traditional private spaces. And what did the world learn from this absurd event? That America is NOT the home of the BRAVE and land of the FREE, it is home to the most timid, obsequious, fearful, yielding, COWARDS known to any human society today -- what a thorough disgrace!

It remains to be seen whether Europe reacts in similar fashion to an obvious orchestrated sham designed to enslave and oppress the masses -- Australia has already proven it is not moved by transparent orchestrations and staged 'terrorist events.’

Never forget the huge part played by the corporate controlled mass media in the Boston lockdown -- think twice before you allow the subversion of media diversification and the increased limited ownership of media in your nation!

[Please share this story with every European you know.]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1438.html