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Lost Love
by Osiris Monday, Jan 5 2015, 10:50am
international / poetry / post

shooting stars are said
to be the souls
of lovers searching
for their lost love

if one sleeps out
under unpolluted clear skies
it appears there are
innumerable lost loves
flashing across the
warm dark of night

such stories are usually myths
based on true stories lost
to numerous renditions
over time

perhaps the lost love is not
another entity but the lost
aspect of love itself,
a person’s desperate
yearning to find
the essence of one’s heart
and soul,
fulfilment in a word

such a search would traverse
the entirety of creation
as one is not fulfilled until love
is found and embraced

it seems that we mistake loving another
for the love of Self -
as the love of Self
is prerequisite before love
is able to be shared with another

it appears that shooting stars
never find their mark
they all burn out in a frantic frenzy
before they merge with another

as i complete this stanza the night
sky is alive with flashing
streaks of light ending somewhere
in the dark void which
gave birth to all stars

the mysteries of the firmament
are personified by Isis
goddess of the heavens
and progenitrix of the stars

it is well that my abode
is beneath her stars
as everything must pass
through my dark portals
before reaching heaven

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1420.html