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We Fight and Resist because we Must
by zed Wednesday, Dec 17 2014, 10:13am
international / prose / post

There are many forms of resistance but resistance always issues from an aware minority as indeed opponent criminal forces are a minority, which has always been the historical case.

Gangsters/criminals today have succeeded in gaining temporary (temporary is historically verified) of all western governments and what is the end result of this conflict among wily minorities ‘good’ and ‘evil’? Victory of course for the fighters of peace, truth and justice BUT it is hard won and fleeting, as negative forces always mount a counter resistance -- history also dictates those outcomes.

And so artists, writers, academics and documentary/film makers etc, use the tools they specialise in to form non-centralised, disconnected groups/cells that fight together, or individually, under a single banner/ideology with the aim of restoring peace and justice to the world, no small task but the overwhelming odds against fighters for justice and the seeming impossibility of success are the very forces that ensure final victory, but shit and truth both float to the surface together -- it’s enough to break one’s spirit BUT it never does as the impulse for justice is INNATE and IRRESISTIBLE.

Prepare for war, first between Russia and America then America and China with the forces that remain after Russia suffers horrendous losses. The final outcome is always the same and is cyclical but we persevere as there is no choice; the affront to peace, justice and harmony never go unchallenged.

Particulars, nations and forces within those nations etc, are merely actors on the stage of human folly and counter folly, so against all odds we most assuredly will prevail but human frailty, once existing evil elites are purged, will once again give rise to corrupt and evil forces. And so history continually repeats itself. Yet we fight because we MUST in the vain hope that one day consciousness will evolve to end this vicious cycle.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1390.html