Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

If we all focus on Injustice ...
by stephanie Monday, Nov 17 2014, 11:12pm
international / prose / post

Indeed, social reform is all about focus especially on the major issues and global threats to sustainable life that require immediate remedies, climate change is one such issue.

Consciousness leads then actions follow that is why the mass media goes to such great lengths to distract, titillate and disempower the population in order to keep our minds focused on anything but the critical issues of life, social harmony and JUSTICE, and when today's privately owned corporate mass media draws our focused attention it is invariably to a LIE or flagrant misrepresentation to camouflage the crimes of the puppets they place in power. Rupert Murdoch’s media apparatus is the primary offender in this regard.

Much has been written by the alternative media on the major issues that confront all of us today, the earth is a very small fragile place. However, at times a single poem or protest song is able to deliver more meaning and emotional impact than a million prosaic words and so I refer everyone to Tracy Chapman and the video below. Her song is titled, “WHY?”

We could easily answer that ruling elites via their captured (concentrated) mass media wish to distract our attention away from the heinous social and environmental crimes they commit daily -- the remedy is to maintain focus on INJUSTICE and then to remove the evil forces that are impeding social harmony and environmental sustainability.

In Australia one such immediate need is to remove Tony Abbott, a climate change skeptic and Murdoch puppet, from the office of prime minister. His infamy and regressive ideology after the G20 summit in Brisbane is now a matter of international criticism.

I would also caution that climate change is best tackled with regulatory and severe punitive measures, the threat to nationalise all corporations that pollute would soon fix the pollution emissions problem -- taxes and emissions trading are a money making con designed by bankers, be aware that minority elites serve their own interests, not our’s or the planet’s.

The public’s focus should remain on INJUSTICE as injustice underlies all criminal and self-serving behaviours. Today society is PLAGUED by injustice in almost every aspect of life so devoting time and energy to a particular injustice helps to stem all injustice, as no single individual or group is able to remedy the huge range of injustices that plague us all today.

A primary offender is of course non-representative government -- which if tackled effectively cures a multitude of ills. If real democracy means anything at all it means representative government which is reflective of the common good via MAJORITY wishes and as we are all aware, the majority is not interested in perpetual war and conflict waged for the profit of polluting corporations. We have the situation in Australia, America and other western nations where current leaders lie through their teeth to gain office then immediately begin to serve the unrepresentative minority interests that placed them in power. This type of criminal FRAUD and misrepresentation must cease as it has clearly proven destructive to the planet and the global community.

I leave you with one musician’s reflections on injustice and the hope that people may make a conscious decision to survive in a harmonious sustainable world.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1347.html