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Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges known 9/11 truth Avoiders
by lex - truth-out Friday, Nov 14 2014, 1:07pm
international / prose / post

It was Amy’s recent interview with Russell Brand, during which he praised Noam Chomsky that prompted this little piece.

Russell Brand
Russell Brand

Respected leftist social commentators, Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges are monumental cop outs on the 9/11 false flag operation, which any thinking person with a good high school education knows to be an inside job perpetrated by the 'shadow government' of the USA.

The American mass media has done such a good job terrifying everyone about speaking plain TRUTH about 9/11 that fake radical, Russell Brand, shied away from the subject when Jeremy Paxman put it to him directly -- it seems that public image, reputation, lecture tours and INCOMES may be jeopardised if certain personages dwell on the subject of 9/11 or worse actually admit the reality. So fuck all the personages that know better but are too afraid to just soberly state the impossibility of the government story, which defies the laws of physics.

I would refer interested parties to specialist reports, which include physicists, structural engineers, architects, metallurgists, demolition experts and a host of others, that support the claim of an outrageously obvious false flag operation.

The vast majority of thinking people do not fear being branded conspiracy theorists by the criminal elites and their mass media/propaganda apparatus, as the 9/11 operation was and CLEARLY is conspiratorial FACT! So get over it Russell, Chris, Noam and Julian because HISTORY will never let you live it down. Perhaps you should write another book on short-term fame and long term cowardice, Russell.

Now, I would ask all those notables out there to explain only one of hundreds of anomalies which debunk the government story; how could a hardened steel frame structure collapse on its own footprint as result of a kerosene (aircraft fuel) fire? Of course science, particularly the laws of physics, dictate the impossibility of such an event; at the very best the building would topple. Clearly, strategically placed demolition charges were used to cut through steel support structures to allow three buildings -- one of which was not impacted by an aircraft -- to collapse on their own footprint.

It seems that types like Hedges, Chomsky, Assange and Brand are more concerned with personal images/agendas than they are with stark reality and truth. They are clearly terrified by the prospect of losing their reputations; well, good luck to the spineless narcissists. The people have no such concerns, they overwhelmingly dis-count the US government fiction and omission story.

Ground Zero -- have a good look!
Ground Zero -- have a good look!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1345.html