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Analysis: The Extreme Cultural Sociopathology of an Empire in Decline
by jake Wednesday, Nov 12 2014, 9:37am
international / prose / post

A 90 year old veteran and Christian has been arrested in Florida for feeding the homeless, “the poorest of the poor,” and now faces up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine for his Christian values -- and this nation calls itself Christian!

Police were heard to scream prior to the arrest “drop that plate!” We understand that police ranks are rarely filled with articulate intellectuals or those capable of Christian compassion, which is now a crime in the very sick USA, but should we really be surprised, after all what should we expect after ‘laws’ were passed allowing the executive to indefinitely detain anyone without charge or trial and to assassinate anyone in the world considered (by secret decree) a terrorist by arbitrarily labelling them a terrorist -- we should also remember that the USA has allied itself to numerous terrorist groups on many occasions (KLA, Ukrainian neo-Nazis and a various assortment of useful idiot Jihadists) but of course, “when the president does it, it’s not a crime” (Richard Nixon) -- give me a break!

We shouldn’t forget that the USA refused to agree to a UN request to define terrorism which definition is clear in many dictionaries and other reference material including Wikipedia. The reason is obvious, the USA is the world’s leading civilian killing nation -- a prime criterion for terrorist activity -- and as such the USA would then be liable for crimes committed against humanity. Murder, kidnapping (rendition) and torture are all OK under US law but God help anyone for feeding the underprivileged and needy.

The 90 year old perp’s -- more intellectual jargon from US police -- defence is that he subscribes to Christian values, particularly the teaching to “love thy neighbour as thyself,” which if practised would immediately end all wars and conflicts -- which is definitely not in US interests as America subscribes to a perpetual war doctrine to serve its evil corporate masters.

So it becomes plain that this terminally ill culture now arrests the good in society and holds the bad and evil, murderers, resource thieves and torturers in high esteem; what a beautiful model the US now presents to the international community to 'admire and respect!' But of course the USA continues to consider itself a world leader -- indeed it is, in PERVERSITY and CRIME.

And clearly from a Christian perspective, this pariah nation is now a militaristic police state hell on earth, which leads in bloodshed, war, conflict and INJUSTICE. It’s fate is therefore sealed, in theological and political terms.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1341.html