Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Oz at War Again
by judd Monday, Oct 6 2014, 10:35am
international / prose / post

At the time of the first Oz troop withdrawal from Iraq numerous high ranking ADF personnel stated clearly that Iraq was a hopeless, unwinnable, disaster area; however, errand boy Tony Abbott couldn't wait to fetch the bone for the US in Iraq.

Abbott plunged the nation into another civilian killing futile war without so much as a parliamentary debate, not that it would have made any difference as the once traditional people's Labor Party now serves the same interests as the conservatives.

Imbecile errand boy, Tony Abbott
Imbecile errand boy, Tony Abbott

Put simply and clearly; Australia is now at war because Abbott is a spineless, treasonous lackey for foreign powers -- the ADF is better deployed in our region to ensure local security and to assist our South Pacific neighbours.

Here boy, fetch the ball Tony - that's a good obedient dog!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1298.html