Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

There are NO exceptions ...
by judy Monday, Aug 18 2014, 3:30am
international / prose / post

If a person is found to have intentionally LIED to obtain a higher position or benefits in the Corporate world or any other sector you care to name, they are immediately divested of any newly acquired benefits and ungracefully fired or removed from the position they LIED to obtain -- it couldn’t be any clearer.

I am not a lawyer and cannot say whether Tony Abbott, who is NATIONALLY KNOWN to have LIED his way into Office, has breached Australian law, Constitutional or otherwise; however, as a sovereign Australian citizen I am able to say that the LEGAL powers invested in the DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY offer REMEDIAL OPTIONS to the people and nation for the REMOVAL FROM OFFICE of the MOST HEINOUS LIAR and scoundrel to have ever occupied the once honourable position of Prime Minister of Australia!

If State institutions fail to act or are seen to be corrupt the PEOPLE of Australia are able to exercise their LEGAL PREROGATIVES and DEMAND the REMOVAL of Tony Abbott, who currently occupies the Office of PM under FALSE PRETENSES, from his current position.

The only requirement necessary is an act of WILL from the same MAJORITY that was so treacherously and contemptuously DECEIVED by Abbott, Murdoch, Rinehart, 2GB and Liberal Party associates, to CORRECT the current appalling situation of Abbott destroying TRADITIONAL AUSTRALIAN VALUES/CULTURE; notwithstanding Abbott now running around the World making his usual demented speculative accusations and idiotic INSULTING remarks, to Australia’s great expense as a nation.

This LYING DUNCE and his associates MUST BE REMOVED FROM ALL POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY NOW, the LEGAL OPTION IS always OPEN to the Australian people! Abbott must be discharged NOW not in a few years time, as Joe Hockey would like us to believe. Abbott and his team are scoundrels, LIARS and incompetent ASSES -- recent history VERIFIES THAT REALITY -- he must be removed before he is able to do MORE HARM to the nation.

A nation-wide poll demanding Abbott’s removal is able to be conducted by various on-line organisations, ‘Get-Up’ for example, and/or unbiased media groups. If the PEOPLE are of a MIND, Abbott and his team of callous, criminal LIARS can be removed and Oz RESTORED to a semblance of sanity and integrity BEFORE Christmas this year -- with an honest election to be set in the near future.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1253.html