Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by zed via sal - Oz Poetry Tuesday, Jun 24 2014, 12:18pm
international / poetry / post

dark pools
are special,
[they are] located
in diverse
areas from urban
forest to desert

fed by rivers, streams,
rain or subterranean
water sources

from the surface
they appear like any other
pool formed by natural
water sources
but natural is as far from
what they are,
as hell is from heaven

they are portals,
doorways to other

first they must be
then a confluence of
astronomical and terrestrial
events must occur
to trigger the portal

but that is not all of it -
one must also know
the sound/word
or ‘name’ associated
with each pool
before any tunnel
reveals itself

the name or word
has a twofold effect,
it protects against
entities that wish to enter
our realm
but opens access from
our dimension to others

when approaching these dark pools
it is important not to become
their reflective power
is hypnotic and captivating
entities are watching and assessing,
if u become enamoured by
ur own reflection
u create
a channel to urself,
be warned
many narcissists
have become completely
obsessed and wander
our towns and cities
searching for something
they have lost

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1199.html