Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by rayn Sunday, Jun 15 2014, 1:28pm
international / poetry / post

i want to write a poem
to rhapsodise everything
about u
ur perfections and imperfections
all of which make u unique
the one for me

but u have become so close
i am unable to separate u
from me

i’m not sure whether i am lost
in you or you in me
but any distance between us
has vanished
a buoyant energy remains

i dread that time that one
of us departs this earth
and leaves the survivor
without half their being
but that is something to
face in the distant future
i hope
that is why i never take you
for granted
i soak in everything about u
as tho i am to face
the executioner

yes, it’s futile
i cannot divide
what has become one
i am unable to articulate
or externalise
what is now the essence
of my being

i am content
to have u snuggly
in my arms

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1185.html