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US/NATO International Credibility now ZERO
by judd Friday, Mar 7 2014, 7:30am
international / prose / post

It had to happen, the social disconnect of the ruling Plutocracy, their arrogance and insularity had to bring them undone, history is consistent in that regard; ‘let them eat cake indeed!’ Dissociative ruling elites imagine they can tell the masses anything they choose and it will be believed; they foolishly imagine they are able to contradict themselves repeatedly without reproach and live by the most brazen double standards and the masses will wear it -- well, they did, but what the ruling plutocracy forgot was there is a time limit to everything; people will only tolerate so much for so long before they turn, and turn they have.

Kerry and Obama, nowhere to go
Kerry and Obama, nowhere to go

Obama, who actually knows better, could barely squeeze out the words scripted for him, “Russia is in violation of international law,” [for not respecting the sovereign borders and rights of other nations], you could almost hear the international roar, tell it to Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and a host of Central Asian and other nations in Latin and Central America that the USA has ILLEGALLY interfered with.

It wasn’t enough that Obama took the HYPOCRITE of the millennium award, his nincompoop Secretary of State, John ‘bonesman’ Kerry, followed up with, "You just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-texts.” I could hardly believe my own eyes when I read that! Kerry is no doubt referring to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the USS Liberty, non-existent WMD, and fabricated ‘humanitarian’ issues requiring intervention by the USA, pre-texts, nah!

Kerry’s perfectly placed cherry on the cake of unreason, dissociation and lunacy stands as a vivid representation of American ‘integrity’ today -- LMAO!

The US will never live it down; Obama and Kerry will enter the historical record as the two most servile buffoons that disconnected ruling plutocrats ever had in their service.

The Emperor is now as naked as he could be!

Clearly, the elites have lost it and are tactically bankrupt, as they have been using exactly the same stale and now transparent formula since the Balkan intervention, and that was in the 90's.

What it all means is that ‘dawn’ fast approaches -- the dark night of deceit, flagrant LIES and minority criminal rule is almost over.

[If you wish to assist in the demise of the criminal ruling elite then disseminate and share this story with everyone you know.]


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1040.html