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Americans -- ‘we don’t do critical thought!’
by ziggy Monday, Feb 17 2014, 10:10am
international / prose / post

Consider the tragedy of the moron capital of the western world, America. It was only a few decades past that people of integrity and moral courage were on he streets demanding social justice and the cessation of illegal wars -- now consider the past 10 years and weep, America.

A mass media that never stopped covering social justice issues, visually, in print, in song and in comedy is now replaced by the moron likes of lady gaga and Miley Cyrus scratching her cunt on stage, I doubt if the stupid bitches could even pronounce the word “political,” let alone spell it! Watch Cyrus and gaga and weep, America.

A society that once engaged in open physical combat with murdering state police now tolerates having their genitals groped at airports; I really have no description for this astounding reversal except, COWARDICE and the lack the most basic intellectual acumen -- a popular song should be renamed ‘don’t cry for me, America!’

I do not know who coined the phrase ‘how the mighty have fallen’ but it couldn’t be more applicable. What a thorough failure and tragedy America is today. A population subject to indefinite detention on suspicion and a political capital that is owned and run by Wall Street rogues and criminals, where could the nation go but down?

audio That Old Black Magic - Doris Day

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-1009.html